"As a post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) nurse, I was delighted to accompany a team from Operation International to Ecuador on a mission to provide care for the underprivileged, and to teach the local doctors laparoscopic procedures. One particular family really struck me emotionally and personally, and as a mother myself, I felt compelled to share the story." –Erin
This little baby was able to get the shunts that he needed, but unfortunately, the pneumonia was still a factor and after exubating him, breathing independently off the ventilator proved to be too much. We received him in the recovery room gasping loudly for air and using every muscle he had to breathe. Operation International team rushed to his side in attempt to re-intubate him, but the local doctors did not appear to be so worried. They calmly told us that they tried to do what they could for this baby but, they did not have the mechanical means, i.e. ventilator or the finances to keep this baby alive. Read the rest of the story here.