Uganda 2018

Mission Goals
  • Performed over 100 major procedure some of which are extremely complex
  • Donated an ambulance to help transport patients to hospital and to referral centers
  • Screened and provided non-surgical treatment to hundreds of patients
  • Trained several of the local surgeons on reconstructive procedures that they never performed before and are badly needed to help children

Team members

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Mission details

Team Michigan was the third team from Operation International to visit Rakai in 2018.  This allowed us to capitalize on the education of the local healthcare providers that was provided by the earlier two teams. Despite the fact that the earlier two teams provided treatment to hundreds of patients, upon our arrival the clinic had more than 600 patients waiting.

The most difficult part for us was to decide on which patients will receive treatment, actually the difficult part was to tell a patient that he/she will not receive treatment this time, it is always heartbreaking to turn a patient away. Nonetheless, at the end we had to look at what those we helped rather than those we couldn’t to help keep the momentum and the spirit of the team positive.

Blog articles

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