Team members

Colleen Brennan

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Ms. Brennan is a graduate of New York Medical College, School of Public Health. Ms. Brennan has also practiced as a Pediatric Oncology and PICU nurse at Hackensack University Medical Center. Ms. Brennan is member of the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) a division of UN Women. She has served on various charitable boards such as The Bergen Volunteer Center, The Tomorrows Children Fund and the Peter Ojiambo Foundation. Ms. Brennan is passionate about gender equality and empowerment of girls, since 2016, she has supported girls from the Kibera School for Girls in Kenya by hosting them in her home during their summer academic camps in the U.S.

Member of:
Board of DirectorsTeam HeartsTeam ChicagoTeam Cleft RepairTeam DentalTeam ENTTeam FLTeam Hong KongTeam KidsTeam Los AngelesTeam ManhattanTeam MichiganTeam NeuroTeam New YorkTeam OrthopedicTeam Restore VisionTeam SpainTeam Surgical ReliefTeam UKWomen's Health